This online Wiki is an experiment to support ideating for the ParTecK Grants process. Once you download the Wiki onto your computer, you will be able to add content to pages collaboratively, create new pages and cross-link content.
2) Once installed and opened, click the alphabet icon in the top left of the window.
3) Click Add Database
4) Click the "Join" tab in the window that appears
5) Fill out the fields like so (without quotation marks)
Database Name: "HDC Wiki" or whatever you like
Remote Address: ""
6) Click Join
6) Once connected, you will be on the page for the current date, eg. "September 29, 2021" From there, click the hamburger menu in the top left of the window, just to the right of the alphabet icon
7) In the sidebar that opens to the left, either click Welcome to learn how to use Athens, or click HDC Wiki Welcome to navigate to the hub page for our wiki.
8) Either read the How to Use Athens section on the Welcome to Athens page (in the wiki), or watch the video below for a (as quick as Travis could make it) explanation of the special functionality of Athens, best practices, and how to most effectively utilize this space.