This year our Mastermind group begins on Feb 28, 2025.
It's a monthly group that meets for 90 minutes, the third Friday of the month at 1:30pm Pacific time on Zoom.
Hosted by: Nori Nishigaya, Daniel Lindenberger, Rochelle Fairfield, Carissa Kazyss - your mastermind and ParTecK steward crew.
We are making space for all the contexts in people's lives - from the personal and project, to metacrisis, without being anchored to any specific context. It's like, can we go context free and trust that whatever we're bringing in our needs, it's all there, and there's no context left out. And... we're not going to confine to any one of them so that we can collectively co-sense what wants to happen.
It's like a "context anti-chamber" - there was a context in which you received the invitation to the mastermind, in which you came, and then, let's divest ourselves of those contexts. Really getting out of the cerebral and into the intuitive, the sensing.
What if somebody coming in that day needs help with being present to everything, plus their project? ...Instead of giving mental models to navigate our times, taking people into a place where it's context free. Our capacity to integrate and synthesize and all that is immense from this place. Why not just go there and let that inform us? Nothing is left behind...all included...
When you bring a group of people together, it's not just about individuals meeting in a group. We start to support each other in a bigger way, beyond each person in the part. So the whole concept of the mastermind from Napoleon Hill is the mastermind becomes a being of support for people, where it's like, oh, you should talk to so and so, or I heard this thing. Or when we're all together, we're accessing, we're presencing this third force in the room, which is us together in our consciousness, all together, whatever words we would say to that. So giving people a framing that this is not just a pop-in group. This is actually a space that we're curating for this year that is beyond all of us and can really support all of us as we show up to it.
Our first meeting, on Friday, February 28th, is the one to attend if you are new to this. We are giving space for people to decide if they want to join the group on that day. After that, the group will be more or less contained so we can deepen the connection.
If you are brand new to all of this and not sure if you know someone in this community, send a note to parteckevents(at) so we can connect with you. Let us know what's speaking to you.
If you are already on one of our signal channels (ai discussion, techethics, integral tech...ask to join our ParTecK Mastermind signal group by messaging one of our stewarding crew. You'll receive zoom links from there, and be added to the google calendar if you'd like.
April 7, May 12, June 14 2022, 3-5pm
We are so excited to extend this invitation to each of you to join in a heartfelt, caring exploration of the unprecedented systems change we are living through. Please join us in a Warm Data Lab inspired living-systems praxis, called People Need People. PNP is the online adaptation of Warm Data Lab, borne of the necessity of having to take things online over the last two years.
Nora Bateson, creator of People Need People and Warm Data Labs, understands how we intuit the insidiousness of systems that harm while trying to sustain life. And often efforts to remedy it result in further harms somewhere in the system, or else are outsourced onto other people, the environment, and so on.
This is where People Need People comes in. In this process we no longer strive to see and make change apart from systems; we explore from within them. We’ll be in mutual learning together and bring vitality to ourselves within our systems. We’ll engage richly, providing space for intimacy (even in isolation), humility and integrity, love and caring, alive, warm and human connection.
GRIT: Stories of Strength and Resilience
On March 23rd, Brenda Keesal from The Village hosted a community story-telling event especially for us. Brenda is a writer, filmmaker and multi-platform storyteller who created the Village as a virtual gathering space for global storytelling. Think Humans of New York on zoom. We began with a juicy topic and as we heard stories, and shared our own, a deepening of heard connection started to happen in the space.
This event was an intimate gathering and very moving. The stories still stay with me (Carissa) and the quality of listening provided by the container allowed me to tell an old story in a new way, giving me insight and deeper connection with others in the telling. Thank you Brenda for continuing this important work!
What does it take to turn your idea for a better world into a prototype you can test?
We all have opinions and ideas about what would make the world a better place. Often, however, these turn out to be murky concepts that need to be sharpened and tested before you can make that vision a reality. In a world that says it wants innovation, but typically only funds “proven strategies,” how do you even get started? How do you marshall the champions, partners, funders, and staff that you need? These are the questions we set out to explore as Jen tried to turn the Work for Humanity project from a seedling of an idea into a funded pilot program. The team has tracked that journey over the past ten months using evaluative thinking and its tools. Much has been learnt through this process, and we are thrilled to share our insights with you.
Download Presentation slides here:
This project received a ParTecK 2019 Grant.
Jen Gresham has a Ph.D. in biochemistry and is a 20-year military veteran. She is the former Assistant Chief Scientist of the Human Performance Wing for the Air Force Research Laboratory, where she helped lead a $100M research portfolio spanning the fields of biology, psychology, and technology. She has been a high performance coach and business strategist for nearly 10 years.
Anastasia Gaisenok has more than a decade of leadership experience in education, organizational development and system change work. As the Principal of Green Amber Consulting, she supports innovative leaders and organizations in growing their impact through planning, evaluation, training and coaching. Anastasia holds a BA in Anthropology, an MA in International Studies, and a Certificate in Evaluation for Social Change and Transformational Learning from Simon Fraser University.
Want a more sustainable world that includes people and tech?
Join ParTecKian Theo Van Brabant for an evening talk on March 5th, 2020 to explore how we can adapt both ourselves and our tech to create a better world.
Theo brings deep experience in helping communities design pathways for sustainability. He has a Master’s in Strategic Sustainable Development and over a decade of experience working with groups to create and implement strategies. Drawing on an integral view of sustainability, Theo will walk us through systems design principles and thinking that we can apply to our projects and communities. We’ll hear about the emergence of new organizing forms on the horizon and increasingly intelligent technologies that can be in service to inclusion and participation. And we’ll be offered a set of practical tools to increase the adaptive potential of our organizations and communities.
This is a participatory event – be prepared for some new perspectives!
Interested in what fellow ParTecKians are up to? Have something to share? The second part of the evening will include Lightning Rounds – a favourite at ParTecK. Two-minute shares range from rants, to poetry, to project announcements, to requests. Come out and share the stage with your fellow ParTecKians.
Hosted by the ParTecK Collective + Friends.
Breathe a breath of fresh air into your creative projects.
From synthetic biology, to geological engineering, to AR – a major faultline of our future is the interaction and merging of technology and nature. We are naturally hardwired to receive the benefits of the natural world around us. How can we make space in our minds for the beauty and aliveness continuously being offered to us? And, what kind of (tech) world would we create if we were consciously draw design inspiration from the natural intelligence in and around us? We will be sharing with you some simple practices for sensing and imagining nature as part of a process for designing ‘natural tech’. We will attune to images and rhythms from nature as a potent way to cultivate a cultivate our intuition for the design sensibility nature uses to create coherent, living systems.
Join Zach and Carissa for an experiential lunch hour that will leave you feeling refreshed and energized.
An online event hosted by Zach Schlosser and Carissa Kazyss
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
12-1pm Pacfiic on Zoom
Learn about the Digital Naturalness Project.
About Us: Digital Naturalness founders Zach Schlosser and Carissa Kazyss have been collaborating on the Digital Naturalness project since 2017, with initial support from the Human Data Commons Foundation. Carissa (MA, MNRM) has worked in sustainability, community health, adult education, and ethical innovation in tech and is passionate about the bright future calling us forward. Zach has a B.A. in Religious Studies and has spent the last several years building businesses at the intersections of education, organizational change, and social innovation.
If you’ve ever wondered what decentralization really means to your life, your organization or the greater culture you’re participating in, this evening is a great opportunity to dive in deep with other changemakers, thought leaders, and philosophers.
You might recognize some of the event speakers from past ParTecK gatherings – Scott Nelson, MaRi Eager, Kris Constable, and Gary LaChance. Mia Cosco from Consciousness Hacking Vancouver will also be adding to the conversation.
For more about the event and to reserve your spot, visit Eventbrite. Seats are filling up and capacity is limited, so make sure to RSVP.
Hosted by the ParTecK Collective + Friends.
Inspired by the Dagara culture of West Africa, John will introduce participants to an intuitive personality system that can be easily adapted in collective spaces, such as networks, teams and communities. This way of honouring diversity supports an ethical future, including the way we honour our humanity in the technosphere.
Wednesday, Sept 25, 2019, 6:30-9:30pm
Conscious Lab, #200 422 Richard St, Vancouver
Healthy snacks provided. Tickets are complimentary.
John Andreas is an experienced facilitator who seeks to be a catalyst for the wisdom and magic of group intelligence. He facilitates a new paradigm of relationship ecology. John developed the “Ten Elements of Village Synergy” in 2009, drawing from the writings and workshops of Malidoma and Sobonfu Some. John has been involved with various spiritual and personal growth groups for the past 20 years. He has formally studied sociology and psychology. John was at ParTecK19.
Join us for a rich and playful exploration with ample time to visit with fellow ParTecKians.