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Mastermind 2025 - The "Context Anti-Chamber"


This year our Mastermind group begins on Feb 28, 2025.

It's a monthly group that meets for 90 minutes, the third Friday of the month at 1:30pm Pacific time on Zoom. 

Hosted by: Nori Nishigaya, Daniel Lindenberger, Rochelle Fairfield, Carissa Kazyss - your mastermind and ParTecK steward crew.


Here is an excerpt from a conversation about our theme:

We are making space for all the contexts in people's lives - from the personal and project, to metacrisis, without being anchored to any specific context. It's like, can we go context free and trust that whatever we're bringing in our needs, it's all there, and there's no context left out. And... we're not going to confine to any one of them so that we can collectively co-sense what wants to happen.

It's like a "context anti-chamber" - there was a context in which you received the invitation to the mastermind, in which you came, and then, let's divest ourselves of those contexts. Really getting out of the cerebral and into the intuitive, the sensing.

What if somebody coming in that day needs help with being present to everything, plus their project? ...Instead of giving mental models to navigate our times, taking people into a place where it's context free. Our capacity to integrate and synthesize and all that is immense from this place. Why not just go there and let that inform us? Nothing is left behind...all included...

About the term 'mastermind':

When you bring a group of people together, it's not just about individuals meeting in a group. We start to support each other in a bigger way, beyond each person in the part. So the whole concept of the mastermind from Napoleon Hill is the mastermind becomes a being of support for people, where it's like, oh, you should talk to so and so, or I heard this thing. Or when we're all together, we're accessing, we're presencing this third force in the room, which is us together in our consciousness, all together, whatever words we would say to that. So giving people a framing that this is not just a pop-in group. This is actually a space that we're curating for this year that is beyond all of us and can really support all of us as we show up to it. 


Our first meeting, on Friday, February 28th, is the one to attend if you are new to this. We are giving space for people to decide if they want to join the group on that day. After that, the group will be more or less contained so we can deepen the connection.

If you are brand new to all of this and not sure if you know someone in this community, send a note to parteckevents(at)gmail.com so we can connect with you. Let us know what's speaking to you.

If you are already on one of our signal channels (ai discussion, techethics, integral tech...ask to join our ParTecK Mastermind signal group by messaging one of our stewarding crew. You'll receive zoom links from there, and be added to the google calendar if you'd like.

