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tech, ethics and consciousness...for all life


Join us for a day of processing, ideating and experimenting with how we can access our wiser selves in navigating this complex time.


July 28th 2023, 10:30am - 3:30pm at Conscious Lab

Located on the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish),  and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations, Vancouver, Canada




Enjoy a balance of large and small group exploration, nourishment and open space to connect. Our processes will be in support of the conversations that feel alive and real for the people who attend, such as:

  • sharing and being seen in our individual and collective experiences of AI

  • exploring the potential for seed projects to incubate and grow
  • seeding the possibility of a community of engagement
  • being present to what may be emerging from our wiser selves

This event is a collaboration between Thaumazo (Daniel Lindenberger), The Village (Brenda Keesal) and the Human Data Commons Foundation (Carissa Kazyss). This gathering is part of a larger AI & Us project that currently hosts online, publicly available conversations that you are also welcome to be a part of when you register.

Space is limited and we are aiming for about 30 people. There is no cost to attend. Lunch will be offered and donations gratefully accepted (www.humandatacommons.org/donate)


What others shared about our June 9th event:

Lovely gathering, felt so much less anxious knowing other thoughtful folks are out there grappling with similar issues. ~ Gordon Casey

It was a wonderful event. The attendees were very diverse and a lot of thoughts, concerns, and ideas were shared. The facilitators (Daniel and Carissa) were superb and they had us engage in a number of different ways that really built up both trust and intimacy with the other participants. I am looking forward to future events! ~ Nori Nishigaya

It was an excellent event I believe because of the focused topic and Jedi-mastery facilitation. I feel that workshopping focused topics is a great way to convene the ParTecK brain-heart trust. ~ Lee White


Consider attending if you are looking to connect with others in a respectful space that allows for multiple perspectives and experiences of AI, with an underlying theme of being present to the wisdom and possibility this potent time may be affording us.


This event is by-invitation.  Email carissa@humandatacommons.org if you have invitee suggestions.