As in: Participatory - Tech - Know - logy; originated in 2017 as an annual event called ParTecK; then morphed into a self-identified loosely held community network; participants also occasionally referred to as ParTecKians. A participatory exploration of the digital verse and also the whole of our beings with a penchant for collaboration.
If you're new to ParTecK, welcome! This is more than a community; it’s an evolving, self-organizing constellation of minds, hearts, and hands dedicated to exploring the intersection of technology, human potential, and culture. It’s a playground for emergence, where people come together not just to work on projects, but to co-create, challenge each other, and grow—both personally and collectively.
Born from a simple desire to bridge the worlds of technology and consciousness, ParTecK has grown into an emergent, co-creative space where people from diverse backgrounds explore what’s possible, what’s next, and what matters. Whether it's discussing the impact of AI, experimenting with new governance models, or simply sharing stories around a campfire (virtual or real), ParTecK thrives on curiosity, play, and deep conversation.
At its core, ParTecK is an experiment in collaboration. It’s about how we come together, how we engage meaningfully, and how we support each other in creating the future we want and with projects we’re working on. It’s a space that thrives on presence, curiosity, and deep conversations that spark action.
"ParTecK isn’t just a community—it’s a network of emergent possibilities. It’s where synchronicities happen, where ideas that seemed impossible suddenly become real because the right people are in the room."
ParTecK is where:
"I come here and get hit with a question I didn’t even know I needed to ask. And it pushes me forward into another stage of development."
It’s a place where systems are midwifed, not imposed, where we’re not just solving problems but asking, how do we become the people we need to be to birth the world we want to live in?
ParTecK exists between structure and spontaneity, and its activities reflect that. Some of the key ways people engage include:
🌀 Mastermind Circles – Regular gatherings where members bring their full selves to the conversation, explore big questions, and co-evolve ideas.
🌱 Retreats & In-Person Gatherings – Spaces for deep presence, creative collaboration, shared wisdom and friendship.
🛠️ Workshops & Experiments – Hands-on exploration of new technologies, methodologies, and collaborative tools.
🔗 Spontaneous Collaborations – The “mycelial network” effect: projects, businesses, and initiatives naturally form from connections within the community.
ParTecK thrives on synchronicity—those magic moments where the right people meet at the right time to co-create something new.
"I was in a meeting in Victoria, and someone brought up Nori’s name. The day before, I was visiting another ParTecK connection. This network just incubates possibilities—there’s a kind of magic in it."
One thing that sets ParTecK apart is that it doesn’t force people into rigid categories—we flow between roles, shifting from midwife to explorer, from facilitator to participant, from learner to teacher.
ParTecK isn’t just about what we do—it’s about how it feels to be part of this space:
💠 Presence is a core practice – We arrive fully, setting aside distractions to be with each other whole heartedly.
💠 Authenticity is welcomed – You’re valued for being you, not just for what you can produce.
💠 Synchronicity flows naturally – You’ll meet the right people at the right time.
"Whether the world blossoms and thrives or it all burns down, there’s no people I’d rather do it with than you guys."
Some who step into ParTecK for the first time describe a sense of recognition—as if they’ve found their tribe, a place where all their seemingly disconnected interests suddenly make sense together.
💬 "I think I found my people." – Said by multiple attendees at their first ParTecK event.
💬 “It’s like a strange attractor—this gravitational pull towards something unknown but exciting.”
💬 “We don’t need to be in charge of anything new. We just need to show up for the surprise.”
💬 “This is a space where people don’t just talk about big ideas—they actually try things out.”
💬 “It’s a quantum field of electricity shooting everywhere in the room!”
💬 "I've wandered through life with different friend groups—artists, technologists, mystics—but never had a space where all of those interests fit together… until now."
💬 "Nobody weird like me." – Quoting the Red Hot Chili Peppers, capturing the essence of ParTecK’s uniqueness.
💬 "We formed Sovereign Nations in the basement of a studio—it escalated quickly!"
💬 "It’s like a collaborative improvisation—we don’t know where it’s going, but we say yes and build on each other’s ideas."
💬 "We got kicked out of a bar once—not for being obnoxious, just for being too excited!"
ParTecK is not just an organization; it’s an organism. It started with a formal nonprofit structure but is now evolving into something more fluid. The focus is on listening, decentralization, and co-creation, rather than top-down control.
This shift reflects one of ParTecK’s core insights:
"Some of the scaffolding can go away because the relationships are strong enough now."
Instead of relying on traditional structures, ParTecK is exploring commons-based models, networked leadership, and self-organizing initiatives.
Some ways we’re experimenting with governance and collaboration:
Right now, ParTecK is going through a transformation. It was originally tied to a nonprofit, but that structure no longer fully serves what we’re becoming. So, we’re co-creating the next phase together.
This transition is about letting go of unnecessary structures and leaning into emergence. Instead of asking “what should we be?” we’re asking “what is trying to emerge through us?”
One thing is clear: ParTecK is alive and thriving, with or without formal structures. The connections, collaborations, and community will continue—now we’re just shaping how best to support it.
If this resonates with you, you’re already part of the ParTecK community—now it’s just a matter of engaging in a way that feels alive for you. Here’s how you can start:
ParTecK is an experiment, a practice, and a living inquiry into what’s possible when people come together with curiosity, care, and a commitment to emergence. There’s no roadmap—but there is a shared direction.
"Whether the world blossoms and thrives or it all burns down, there’s no people I’d rather do it with than you guys."
Welcome to ParTecK. Let’s explore what we can create—together. 🚀